Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beginning the Journey of Blogging

Greetings everyone! First of all, this is a little bit about myself before getting any further. I was given the name Wai-Khan since I was born. I always thought that this name was pretty hard to be remembered and to be articulated. I still remember once when I told a new friend of mine my name, he went “Khan? Aren’t you the descendent of Genghis Khan?” and the conversation was followed by laughter. So when I was in my college before transferring to University of Michigan, I thought of a western name so that people can remember it easily and it worked! From then onwards, I go by Justin.

One year ago, I felt so excited about transferring to the United States as it was my second time of traveling abroad. What made this journey to the United States more interesting and exciting is that I traveled half the globe and flew across the Pacific Ocean all the way from Malaysia, a small multiracial country in Southeast Asia. That was a pretty priceless experience for me as I know in the coming few years, I am going to broaden my horizon and I would never perceive something as I would have perceived few years back. Of course, getting culture shock once I landed on the Land of Liberty was another precious experience for me as the culture here is totally different from what I was accustomed to.

There’s so much about the story of my name and my origin. Next, my interest. I am always interested in math-related subjects, like calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and many more. I just love the complexity of figures and it never fail to intrigue me. That explains why I’m majoring in Actuarial Mathematics here in U of M. Also, I have developed a keen interest in photography since high school. My interest in photography made me equip myself with some camera devices, from camera phone, to digital camera, and finally to digital single-lens reflex camera (or abbreviated as DSLR). I always believe that a picture can tell a thousand words and it is most probably stronger in expressing one’s feeling from photos than from words or other means of communication.

That's pretty much from me for now. Stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

  1. All the best in the actuary field!!

    p/s: I love Malaysia!!
